Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jacque had surgery today to remove a rare kind of cataract from her right eye.  A couple weeks from now, she will have the same surgery to remove the cataract from her left eye.

Without the surgery, Jacque will lose her eyesight.  Not good.

In addition, an implant (intraocular lens, picutured at left) will be "installed" in her eyes, allowing her to see perfectly again.  Wonderful news.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Taming the Jungle

Dayle had taken a vacation from cleaning one part of our yard and, as a result, it had turned into a jungle of sorts, as seen in the pic below.
Well, the jungle was attacked today by Dayle and our two current missionaries from our ward, Elders Behymer (pictured above) and Limb, who divided and conquered, as seen below.
Great job,  guys!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy 7th!

Today is our 7th wedding anniversary!  According to tradition, an appropriate anniversary gift for the 7th is wool, which represents "the comfort, durability, security, and warmth that couples married this long give one another."

Jacque is working today (her 3rd 16-hour shift in the past three days).  Fortunately, tomorrow she's off so we'll celebrate then.

Meanwhile, I went to church today, starting with a 6 a.m. meeting and ending at 1 pm after choir practice.

Happy 7th to us!

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Thunderous Friday

We woke up this morning (or were woken up) by the continuous sound of thunder.  Would have been nice to sleep in given the thunderstormy atmosphere but Jacque had to work (her 2nd 16-hour shift in a row).