Monday, May 16, 2011

A lazy Monday

Got a phone call at 3 a.m.  It was Jacque, telling me to come pick her up at work because they were letting her off early. 

"Bring Roxy," she told me, as I struggled to rouse myself from the deep sleep I had just emerged from.

So I got up, with Roxy (our 120-lb Rotweiller) in tow, and we boarded our car and made the 20-minute drive from Kaneohe to QMC.  We arrived at 3:30 a.m. and a few minutes later, Jacque was heading down the stairs from the ER to join us for the ride home.

At home around 4, we had some hunger pangs which were resolved with a batch of french toast.  Hit the spot!

By 4:30 we were all in dreamland.

Around one o-clock, Jacque and I went for a two-mile walk around the neighborhood.  We took along Roxy who is always eager to go on walks with anyone who will take her.  When we last weighed her, she was 120 lbs and today's weigh-in at the vet's indicated a 13-lb weight loss.  Good job, Roxy!  Actually, good job by all of us for not overfeeding her which we had gotten into the habit of doing, particularly mint chocolate chip ice cream, a favorite of Jacque!

After the stop at the vet's, we dropped by Kin Wah's for what Jacque said was a take-out order of Chinese chicken salad, a recent favorite of my wife.    After several minutes (Roxy and I waited outside), Jacque emerged from Kin Wah's with a box of food of which the Chinese chicken salad was just one item in the box.

"It was less than $20," said Jacque.

Knowing my wife all too well, I just smiled and giggled instead of making a to-do about getting more than the chicken salad.  She did, after all, get an order of egg foo young, my favorite.

Jacque's napping now (5:30 p.m.).  She said she probably will be called in to work the nite shift tonight so the rest will do her good.

As for me, I'm a bloggin.

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